7 Reasons Why You and Your Family Might Want to Ditch the Tank Type Water Heater and Install a Tankless

“If it’s not broke, don’t fix.”

Sometimes it is a reasonable decision to stick with your current water heater set up. After all a new installation would be easier. But what if there is a newer, better option available? This dilemma is often the case for homeowners when deciding to stick with their old tank type water heater or upgrade to a new tankless water heater. Tank type water heaters are a great option, but tankless systems are far superior and have tons of advantages. Thanks to advancements in technology, tankless water heaters have become more and more popular in homes and businesses. Most of us have heard “Things are not built like they used to be,” and water heaters are no exception. In the last two decades, tank-type water heaters have lasted only one to four years longer than their warranty, when in the past it was common to get fourteen to sixteen years of life. The most well-known benefit of tankless water heaters that I have heard is endless hot water, which sometimes is confused with instant hot water. It is funny to me how this gets mixed up. Tankless water heaters are endless, NOT instant. These units also offer a lot longer service life, higher energy efficiency, lower energy bills, easier maintenance, a lower risk of water damage, and are smaller which can fit into places tank types do not. Here are seven compelling reasons you and your family might want to ditch the outdated water heater and make the switch to tankless.

1. Higher Energy-Efficiency

Tankless systems are also known as on-demand water heaters because they produce hot water only when needed. This method uses significantly less energy than a tank water heater that warms and stores a large volume of water around the clock. Lets think about this…. That forty or fifty-gallon gas or electric water heater you have sitting in your garage or installed somewhere in your home is heating water twenty-four seven, whether you are asleep, at work, or on vacation. You do the math.

2. Lower Utility Bills

Using less energy isn’t just good for the environment – it’s also beneficial for your budget. Gas tankless water heaters are a smart long-term investment because they can lower your monthly utility bills for years to come. On the other hand, electric tankless systems are not nearly as efficient, which is why sway our customers away from going tankless if their home is all electric.

3. Longer Service Life

Another way a tankless water heater saves you money in the long run is by lasting longer. We personally love installing Navien brand heaters, not only because of the world class customer service in the event it’s needed, but also they offer a fifteen-year warranty on their dual stainless steel heat exchanger. The average service life of a tankless water heater is fifteen to twenty years, while a tank water heater should only be expected to last eight to twelve years.

4. Endless Supply of Hot Water

Have you ever experienced a shower that suddenly turns frigid? It was likely due to a tank water heater running out of its stored hot water. With a tankless water heater, this is not a concern since it can instantly heat water for as long as you need and only heats when you need it. If you couple this with a Navien condensing unit with a built-in circulating pump, we can just about receive instant water as soon as we turn on a fixture.

5. Save Space

Tank water heaters are big and bulky and require three inch metal venting, which gets extremely hot and limits you on where it can be placed. Tankless systems are compact, in comparison, use two-inch PVC venting in most cases – which does not get hot at all – and can be conveniently mounted on a wall or virtually anywhere to free up even more floor space.

6. Easier to Maintain

While all types of water heaters require some level of maintenance, tankless water heaters require less frequent attention than others. Once a year, tankless water heaters need to be flushed. During a regular maintenance visit, a professional will descale, also known as flush, your tankless water heater to insure mineral buildup does not accumulate within the unit.

7. Lower Risk of Water Damage

When an old tank water heater dies, it often leaks water and floods, which can severely damage your home and personal items. Since tankless water heaters don’t store water, they are less likely to leak. But there is a plus due to water not being stored… fewer deposits take place, especially when flushed once yearly with regular maintenance. Even though tankless water heaters are less likely to leak, they still need to be installed up to code by a licensed plumber, and their location taken into consideration for when harsh weather conditions arise.

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